I guess I should have worded my response more carefully. It all appears to be available. However, I was able to download Rich's Taxonomer paper from two different versions of the archived site (the archive from the final version http://web.archive.org/web/20060503102100/www.phyloinformatics.org/archive.p... and May 14, 2004). Sereno et al. does appear to have disappeared as it is not available from either http://web.archive.org/web/20060503102100/www.phyloinformatics.org/archive.p... or http://web.archive.org/web/20051225220305/http://www.phyloinformatics.org/, the only two pages that I could find that it was referred to. I have only tested some of the other papers. It is quite unfortunate that the Internet Archive seems to have lost the one pdf. However, I don't think that the existence of Internet Archive should make us feel the slightest bit complacent about our own responsibility. As the zoological code requires a printed copy be placed in 5 major repositories (a far too subjective directive in my opinion) for new taxa, so we should take the responsibility of making sure that ANY papers that we publish on-line are so deposited (preferably printed on acid-free paper rather than on standard paper) in at least our own institution (preferably several). I suppose that will also mean that we need to pressure our librarians into accepting these "reprints" as real acquisitions, which some libraries, such as the Smithsonian do not. I certainly will have that conversation with my Smithsonian colleagues. In spite of all that, I do not for one moment believe that we should stop publishing in electronic journals. The community needs to consider what WE must do to guarantee open access to all our publications, data, etc, in all forms and in perpetuity. Cheers, Anna Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution 202.633.0846 weitzman@si.edu ________________________________ From: Susan B. Farmer [mailto:sfarmer@goldsword.com] Sent: Fri 24-Nov-06 11:23 AM To: Weitzman, Anna Cc: Paul Kirk; Thomas Lammers; Roderic Page; Taxacom; tdwg-guid@mailman.nhm.ku.edu; evoldir@evol.biology.mcmaster.ca; Dennis DeGreve Subject: Re: [Taxacom] [Tdwg-guid] Demise of Phyloinformatics journal Quoting "Weitzman, Anna" <WEITZMAN@si.edu>:
All of Phyloinformatics is still available from the Internet Archive. See http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.Phyloinformatics.org .
I tested it out and downloaded one article as a full pdf.
They're not all there. Paul Soreno's TaxonSearch paper isn't there, nor is Richard Pyle's Taxonomer paper. I was able to retrieve everything else of interest on the "search archive" page. It looks like there were only 8 papers ever on that site. Susan ----- Susan Farmer sfarmer@goldsword.com University of Tennessee Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology http://www.goldsword.com/sfarmer/Trillium/