Hi Roger, Tonto is not a bad word in spanish, is the same as you described for english. I though you might have not considered it, but if you like it and want to have presentations like: "...well and then we have Roger Hyam who is the tonto ("fool") developer" is up to you ;)
-the semantic hub must expose the concepts in a way that we can use them in our configuration tools in the data providers to allow mapping a database there.
Just specify the way and we will make it do it.
Ups, there is no format that we have considered. I was thinking more in that you were gonna tell me that you will give an OWL and I was going to have to understand it. But if you ask then I want it as a serialized Python object :D No, serioulsy, we have to think about this a little bit more.
-the semantic hub must expose the different views, or outputModels as we call them in TAPIR, so that providers software can produce them.
Just specify them and we write a script to produce them from Tonto.
well, there is already an outputodel format in TAPIR. I can give you some examples of an outputModel for BioMOBY that is created from Darwin Core concepts, or a GML app schema outputModel from ABCD.
Specially there where things like: -Give an XSLT that transforms ABCD 1.2 into 2.06
Ah ha! this is where I have to say no! [and a lot of arguing...]
Roger, you got me wrong. There is already an XSLT, made by humans, that transforms ABCD 1.2 to ABCD 2.06. What I would like is a repository that just stores these documents and if I a program ask "Hey tonto! Do you have an XSLT to transform ABCD 1.2 to ABCD 2.06?" Could say "hey, look! I am not so fool, I have one!" and the program becomes happy. Actually I think this is the easiest thing to implement in Tonto. Best regards, Javi.