Are you a researcher with a coding project that needs some help? Are you developing software for the earth sciences and would like some feedback and collaboration from a diverse group of scientists? If so, check out the ¬Open Science Codefest 2014. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser<>. [Open Science Codefest - September 2-4, 2014 - Santa Barbara, CA] Are you a researcher with a coding project that needs some help? Are you developing software for the earth sciences and would like some feedback and collaboration from a diverse group of scientists? Open Science Codefest September 2-4, 2014 Santa Barbara, CA Open Science Codefest will gather researchers from ecology, biodiversity science, and other earth and environmental sciences with computer scientists, software engineers, and developers to collaborate on coding projects of mutual interest. []<> Design. Code. Discuss. Learn more on the Codefest website: Inspired by hack-a-thons and organized in the participant-driven, unconference style, the Open Science Codefest is for anyone with an interesting problem, solution, or idea that intersects environmental science and computer programming. This is the conference where you will actually get stuff done -- whether that's coding up a new R module, developing an ontology, working on a data repository, creating data visualizations, dreaming up an interactive eco-game, discussing an idea, or any other concrete collaborative goal that interests a group of people. []<> Open Science Codefest 2014 will be held in Santa Barbara on September 2-4, 2014 at the Fess Parker Santa Barbara Hotel. Registration is free. Register at Suggest a session topic or review proposed sessions in the Open Science Codefest Github project<>. To suggest a session, create a "New Issue" and apply the "proposed session" label. Alternatively, email the Codefest team at<>. []Forward this invite and spread the word about Open Science Codefest 2014. People from a wide variety of disciplines, geographic regions, and skill levels are encouraged to attend! []Follow us on Twitter #OSCodefest<> Contact Open Science Codefest at<>[]