Dear TDWG TAG Members,

TAG Roadmap for 2007

The stated strategy of the Technical Architecture Group is to:  "Produce a yearly review and forecast of technical issues within TDWG prior to the annual meeting - The Roadmap."  To this end I have started compiling the roadmap on a wiki page here:

Currently the document is almost empty! There is a good reason for this. Although, as convener of the group, if falls on me to make sure this document is delivered I would like to give TAG members every opportunity to influence its contents. I am aware that the Roadmap document for 2006 was mainly a distillation of discussions at the first TAG meeting but this year we have not had a dedicated meeting and I want to give you the opportunity to express your views now.

Please take a moment to consider what you think should be in this report and add your thoughts to the wiki page. Bear in mind that the role of the TAG is to make recommendations to other TDWG groups and the executive and that this document is our main vehicle for doing so.

I plan to turn the wiki page into a text document in the last week of July and fix a final version by the beginning of August.

TAG Meeting 2007 

I have requested a room for up to 15 people for 1400 - 1700 hrs on Sunday 16 September prior to the Bratislava meeting. This will be an opportunity for the TAG to meet. You are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Please let me know if you are coming and if you have any issues that you are particularly keen to discuss. The 2007 roadmap will have been completed and distributed by this point so discussion will be around matters arising from this and planning for the 2008 roadmap.

Request for Papers

I am chairing a 1.5 hour session on Tuesday 18 September "Ontologies and vocabularies: Atomizing biodiversity information". If you would like to present your work during this session please contact me as soon as possible.

All the best,



   Roger Hyam <>
   Biodiversity Information Standards:
   "Working To Make Biodiversity Data Global"

   TDWG Standards Architecture:
   LSID RDF Vocabularies: