its a tricky subject. For me the biggest drawback of OpenID is that it needs as a client a browser for authentication, so it cant be used to secure webservices (openid2.0 might have improvements). Nearly any identitiy system I came across can also work as an OpenID provider by the way, CAS,Shibboleth,Google all work fine. 


On 7 May, 2008, at 9:04, Roger Hyam wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have any experience with OpenID? 

Would this be a useful and simple way to provide cohesion within our community if one of the bigger members (GBIF, TDWG, EoL etc) acted as an Open ID provider?

I know there were presentations on Shibboleth at TDWG 2007.

OpenID seems simpler but does no authorization I believe (it is just an ID solution). Could the two be integrated for those who need to share notions of authorization...

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on this.



Roger Hyam
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK
Tel: +44 131 552 7171 ext 3015
Fax: +44 131 248 2901

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