During the GUID workshop in Durham, we held several break-out sessions to identify and start discussing key issues around the proposed use of LSIDs. Subsequently these have been grouped under two broad headings. One relates to prototyping activities (Prototyping Working Group). The other relates to consideration of best practices and long-term infrastructure requirements for our community as we adopt LSIDs as our GUID technology (Infrastructure Working Group). A wiki page has been established at: http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=InfrastructureWorkingGroup This message is to invite contribution to and discussion of the various themes identified for the Infrastructure Working Group. I have started by adding some initial comments under two of the themes and would particularly ask for input on these. 1. LSID Minimal Standards (http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LSIDMinimalStandards) This is an attempt to start defining a set of minimal standards which all LSID issuers should meet. The purpose is to establish baseline expectations of what an LSID implies, and to assist potential issuers with deciding whether they are in a position to issue, resolve and maintain LSIDs. 9. LSID Resolver Namespaces (http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LSIDResolverNamespaces) This is a starting-point for discussion of best practices in using DNS entries for LSID resolution services. Please contribute to either of these discussions, and contact me if you are interested in helping to organise discussion around any of the other themes listed on the Infrastructure Working Group - I really hope not to have to start all of them myself. Thanks, Donald --------------------------------------------------------------- Donald Hobern (dhobern@gbif.org) Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45-35321483 Mobile: +45-28751483 Fax: +45-35321480 ---------------------------------------------------------------