Dear list subscribers, A few weeks ago my colleagues and I made a request for comments on a set of recommendations to make Life Science Identifiers (LSID) more interoperable with standard World Wide Web and Semantic Web applications. The document is at http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/GUID/LsidHttpProxyUsageRecommendation I would like to let you know that we will close that request for comments in two days, on Friday, May 25th. If you have any comments or concerns, please let us know soon, by either replying to this message or posting your comments directly to the wiki page I mentioned above. Once we agree on the contents of this proposal, we will make it part of the LSID Applicability Statement, a draft TDWG standard in which we make recommendations for use of LSIDs in our community. You will have another opportunity to comment on these and other recommendations regarding the use of LSIDs when we submit the LSID Applicability Statement to the TDWG Standards Track. I also wanted to thank very much those who already made comments to the proposal. Best regards, Ricardo Pereira TDWG Infrastructure Project (TIP) Team Ricardo Pereira wrote:
Dear TDWG GUID and TAG members,
The TDWG Infrastructure Project (TIP) Team is putting forward a proposal to make Life Science Identifiers (LSID) more interoperable with standard World Wide Web and Semantic Web applications. In that proposal we recommend the use of LSID HTTP proxies to simplify the resolution process for tools that do not yet handle LSIDs directly.
The proposal is available at http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/GUID/LsidHttpProxyUsageRecommendation.
We would like to ask you to please review the proposal and give us feedback. Comments can be added directly to the wiki page above or sent to either the tdwg-tag or tdwg-guid mailing list. I will move the comments from the mailing lists to the wiki page as they become available.
When we reach consensus on the relevance and content of the proposal, we intend to include it on the TDWG LSID Applicability Statement and move forward to ratify it as a TDWG standard.
We really appreciate your feedback.
Best regards,
Ricardo Pereira Roger Hyam Donald Hobern Lee Belbin TDWG Infrastructure Project (TIP) Team