Joel - I've made a number of edits. These are in part to put the motivation into a larger beyond-TDWG context, and in part to make it a little more future-proof. The charter in places read (to me) more like a workshop agenda than a charter, thus preempting decisions that the TG participants might (want to) make to a degree that I wasn't fully comfortable with. I've tried to make it take a step back. I also removed the sentence about handing off to the TAG after one year - while that may be what the participants indeed decide to do after one year, it's not what I'd want ingrained in the charter, and also a one-off mindset isn't necessarily what I'd like to start with. More to the point, if the TG (or whatever its successor(s)) doesn't maintain those documents, I'm afraid nobody will, and there is plenty of empirical evidence around the TDWG site to support that. -hilmar On Sep 19, 2011, at 3:46 PM, joel sachs wrote:
Greetings everyone,
After some back and forth amongst Steve Baskauf, myself, Greg Whitbread, and the executive, we've decided to move forward with an RDF/OWL task group, convened under the TAG. Our task will be to deliver a document comprising i. use cases and competency questions; ii. well documented examples of addressing those use cases via rdf and sparql; and iii. discussion of advantages and disadvantages of the approaches illustrated by the examples.
Our draft charter is at and we welcome comments, suggestions, and better ideas. One area where we're still open is the question of whether or not our deliverable should be an official Best Current Practice document [1]. The charter reflects our current feeling that it should not. After we deliver our "book of use cases and examples", options would include being re-chartered by the TAG to produce a best practices document, spinning off as a "Semantic Web Interest Group", or disbanding (either in triumph or despair).
When we were planning to convene as an Interest Group, several of you accepted our invitation to serve as core members, and we hope that convening as a Task Group does not change your willingness to do so. If you would like to be a core member of the group, and we haven't yet contacted you, there's a good chance that we will. But don't wait! Feel free to volunteer for core membership. (And recall that you don't have to be a "core member to" contribute.)
In regards timeline, I'd like to incorporate any feedback we receive, and submit the charter to the executive at the end of this week, in hopes of being chartered by New Orleans.
Many thanks! Joel.
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