My comments about SourceForge are based on my experience using it as a developer 3-4 years ago (the SSH setup was horrific, it might be better now) and as a user (the site is big, slow, and ugly). Re terms of service, I think this is simply an excuse for not doing anything. I suspect that the citizens of Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria have more pressing things to worry about that whether they can access the LSID site (which at present, nobody can). Regards Rod On 26 Aug 2009, at 19:26, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
On Aug 26, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Bob Morris wrote:
Residents of which, if any, of these countries are ineligible to be TDWG members?
Just a question: in which country is TDWG incorporated? I hope not in the US?
Because otherwise there is in fact court precedent that they are ineligible (though it has remained a sticky issue and a lawyer would need to scrutinize it if you really want to know).
-hilmar -- =========================================================== : Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at duke dot edu : ===========================================================
--------------------------------------------------------- Roderic Page Professor of Taxonomy DEEB, FBLS Graham Kerr Building University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK Email: r.page@bio.gla.ac.uk Tel: +44 141 330 4778 Fax: +44 141 330 2792 AIM: rodpage1962@aim.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1112517192 Twitter: http://twitter.com/rdmpage Blog: http://iphylo.blogspot.com Home page: http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/rod.html