    Is there a preferred slide template for the workshop?  Otherwise, I will just use the basic IBM template.

- Ben

Taxonomic Databases Working Group GUID Project <TDWG-GUID@LISTSERV.NHM.KU.EDU> wrote on 01/20/2006 07:48:06 AM:

>     Ben,
>     Thank you very much for sharing the outline of your presentation
> with us. It certainly seems ideal for our purposes.
>     We would be very interested in picking your brains on wider semantic
> interoperability issues during the workshop.
>     Regarding LSIDs specifically, our biggest challange is to find an
> appropriate way to define stable byte-identical data for our objects. We
> have therefore been thinking mostly of turning everything to metadata.
> We would be very interested in knowing what your thoughts are regarding
> that issue.
>     Best regards,
> Ricardo
> Benjamin H Szekely wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >     Thank you again for including me in your workshop.  From reading
> > Rod's paper and many of the following comments, it seems that this
> > community is certainly on the right track and shares a similar vision
> > for LSIDs and metadata to that of our development team here in
> > Cambridge, MA.  I encourage anybody to ask questions on the list about
> > LSID or Semantic Web technology in general.  Our team has been elbow
> > deep in the Semantic Web for 3 years and have been working on a wide
> > variety of projects outside of LSID including Storage and replication,
> > annotation, workflow, and  RDF-based user interfaces,
> >
> > I am tentatively planning to organize my talk as follows:
> >
> > - Overview of LSID (10-15 minutes)
> >
> > - Survey of global LSID participation (10-15 minutes)
> >
> > - Brief overview of IBM Cambridge Semantic Web projects (5 minutes)
> >
> > I am certainly open to reorganization.  I'm not planning on discussing
> > too many technical and implementation details, but I'd be happy to
> > discuss these throughout the week at the workshop.
> >
> > - Ben