Or you could flag all of the DiGIR ones and leave TAPIR ones unflagged, the idea being that TAPIR is the common goal toward which to strive.

2007/2/28, Renato De Giovanni < renato@cria.org.br>:
Hi Donald,

This is excellent news!

Two quick questions:

* For providers that want to migrate to TAPIR and already have data
indexed by GBIF from previous DiGIR/BioCASe instances, what will be the
recommended procedure? (will it be necessary to re-index everything or is
there an easy re-configuration process on the GBIF side?). Do they need to
contact GBIF to  specify both the new TAPIR accesspoint and the old one
that will be replaced or is there a way to do this just by interacting
with the UDDI registry?

* On the web pages where GBIF lists providers, BioCASe/ABCD ones are
marked with a special flag. Can you do the same for TAPIR providers when
they start to pop up?

Best Regards,

> The new GBIF data portal can index data provided using TAPIR with
Dwc/Geo/Cur or ABCD 1.20/2.05/2.06.

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