2009/3/20 Beach, James H <beach@ku.edu>:
We're about to release a new version of Specify, and we are looking to the broader community for some LSID architecture leadership. We could use some interdisciplinary research use cases involving integration and resolution on specimen IDs, and implementation best practice type docs for guidance. So there is interest here. Is there still the underlying community angst about LSIDs or DOIs?
I have a feeling there is either angst, or at least uninterest about them, as I haven't seen them discussed in a long time on the sem web mailing lists I am on, and the idea of HTTP URI's has been implemented by enough people to give (at least me) the impression of a critical mass of linked HTTP databases. Interestingly, I think my project, Bio2RDF, still maintain an LSID authority/endpoint, but I have a feeling that internally we don't support LSID's very well as we haven't had anyone enquire about them for a long time. Cheers, Peter Ansell