Comment added to LsidHttpProxyUsageRecommendation : (hope that's OK) If you are going to do this, I recommend that the http:// URIs result in 303 responses from the server. You want the LSIDs to denote domain objects, and you want the proxy HTTP URIs to denote the same things (that's what owl:sameAs means). But according to current semantic web practice, a 200-responding URI necessarily denotes the document (actually the "network resource"), so your current server behavior is saying something nonsensical, that a dog is a document. If you do a 303 See Other to a second URI that identifies the document carrying the RDF, then you'll be following W3C TAG recommendation httpRange-14 (see Public/www-tag/2005Jun/0039.html) and your service will make semantic web tools and pedants happier, and no one will confuse a dog with a dogpile of RDF. -- Main.JonathanRees - 14 Oct 2007