Thanks for all your responses.

I finally do the query using the Tapirlink. I have noticed that this tool also implements ABCD.

One last question..Im using this URL:

and the response includes many elements of each DwC record. What can I do to obtain in the response just (for example) the ScientificName?


2012/5/28 Kevin Richards <>

I developed the .NET implementation of tapir and it is basically the same as the php one, so yes, just replace the *.php with the *.aspx equivalent.

Let me know if you have any issues and I can help you out.  I have updated the code in recent years, so I might upload the latest version to sourceforge.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of "Markus Döring (GBIF)"
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:33 p.m.
To: Daniel Fuentes
Subject: Re: [tdwg-tag] Making a query from a external application to Tapir client

just exchange the tapir service url with your url, whatever implementation you use. There might be slight differences, but I havent tried the dot net version myself so I cant say much about that.
The capabilities should tell you what features the implementation supports, but the basics should work fine. Do you have a public example url?


On 28.05.2012, at 10:14, Daniel Fuentes wrote:

> Thanks Markus,
> I've noticed in your examples that you are using tapir.php, so what tool do I have to use to make queries? I was using tapirDotNet.
> 2012/5/24 "Markus Döring (GBIF)" <> Hi Daniel,
> an example search asking for the first 2 records with no filter can be done like this:
> Filtering by scientific name for dwc services goes like this:
> To find supported output models and concepts the capabilities response of TAPIR is useful:
> Shared output models and concept aliases can be found at TDWG:
> And in general the TAPIR specs document that all pretty well, albeit a bit technical:
> hope that helps,
> Markus
> On 24.05.2012, at 11:17, Daniel Fuentes wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm developing a program to make searches to the Tapir client. To do that, I have to include the parameteres of the query in the URL using the GET method. I have studied the source code and I think I should include the parameter "request" with the encoded query but it doesn't work for me.
> >
> > How the URL can be formed? What parameters do I have to include?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Best,
> > Daniel
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> --
> Un saludo.
> Daniel Fuentes

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Un saludo.

Daniel Fuentes