Dear all, I was invited to attend the IODP Paleontology meeting on taxonomic dictionaries and control lists end of september in Houston, USA. The IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)is one of the most important international earth science projects. http://iodp.org. IODP is currently evaluating new technologies for its data and information management. And one hot topic for its paleontology and biostratigraphy work is ..having control on taxonomic names.. I think LSIDs could be very interseting for IODP if they could use some kind of a 'reverse lookup', resolving LSIDs for names. I was asked to give a short presentation on GUIDS/LSID and I thought maybe one of you already has some interesting material to show? Any help is welcome! Btw. are there are any exciting news since summer? I am especially interested in: -how is the RDF/TCS thing evolving -> standardised metadata? -how have the nomenclators been proceeding? I heard e.g. about the ZooBank prototype any LSID plans for that yet? -DarwinCore and GBIF.. is there a way to resolve LSID from names? best regards, Robert Dr. Robert Huber WDC-MARE / PANGAEA - www.pangaea.de, www.wdc-mare.org Stratigraphy.net - www.stratigraphy.net _____________________________________________ MARUM - Institute for Marine Environmental Sciences (location) University Bremen Leobener Strasse POP 330 440 28359 Bremen Phone ++49 421 218-65593, Fax ++49 421 218-65505 e-mail rhuber@wdc-mare.org, robert.huber@stratigraphy.net