Thank you, Roger ... This captures the essence of what my own thinking has been:
1) Resolve the LSID using the standard DNS based mechanism - an LSID aware client. 2) Resolve the pixied version - a non LSID aware client. 3) Look up either or both or the identifiers in the most efficient indexing service or cache available. The LSID is a well designed unique string so it is effectively a really good key word.
If I have understood correctly this appears to be how DOIs are quoted in PDFs i.e. with a proxy that may not live forever http://dx.doi.org/ - unlike the itself DOI ;)
In fact all that I have written there is GUID technology independent. You would only have to drop point 1 and we could be using UUIDs (I am not proposing this!!!).
We are in a period of transition within our community -- at the chicken/egg tipping point. We want GUIDs to identify things (for all the obvious reasons), but to put them to use, we need mechanisms to resolve them. The PURL advocates put emphasis on the resolution side (in terms of existing resolution support); and a UUID advocates would put the emphasis on the identifier side. DOIs, Handles, and LSIDs are at various points in-between. There is a perception (probably not altogether illegitimate), that the farther we go towards the resolution end of the spectrum, the less confidence we have that the GUID will perpetuate indefinitely (presumably due to declining opacity). Through careful consideration, our community has made the non-unanimous decision to move in the direction of LSIDs; which have nowhere near the existing resolution software support as PURLs, but offer a lot more self-contextualization and the potential for self-resolution than UUIDs offer. This seems like a reasonable approach to me, which is why I am among the supporters of the non-unanimous decision. So...becasue we are in this transition period, implementations need to cover the bases, to allow functionality today, but also with the hope (at least) of some degree of logevity. I think your 3-layer characterization to resolving LSIDs (or 2-layer approach to resolving GUIDs in general) makes a lot of sense during this period of transition. Contrary to what some might believe, I am not (at least not at this time) an advocate of using only UUIDs either. In my mind, they are too context-free to be our only mechanism for identifying biodiversity objects (even though I suspect that 99.999% of all attempts to resolve GUIDs by our community will be in the form of adequate context to allow appropriate direction to appropriate resolution services). However, I do advocate using them as part of my own "three-layer" solution to the transition period. Internally (and perhaps in the future, externally as well), the "identifer" is a UUID: 20889795-7EC7-42F3-A4C3-D1D97704A609 I will incorporate this identifier into an LSID, which both conforms to the direction of TDWG/GBIF is going in now, and also opens up resolution door #1 in Roger's list: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:20889795-7EC7-42F3-A4C3-D1D97704A609 Because we don't yet have widespread native support for resolving LSIDs by themselves in a lot of commonly available software (e.g., IE, Firefox, Adobe Acrobat reader, etc.), I will also plan to expose these LSIDs through an HTTP proxied (pixied) "wrapper" in publicly accessible documents (and perhaps also links on websites) -- thereby covering Roger's door #2: http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:20889795-7EC7-42F3-A4C3-D1D97704 A609 -or- http://lsid.tdwg.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:20889795-7EC7-42F3-A4C3-D1D977 04A609 And, there's still Roger's door #3 (operating at any or all of these layers of identifier and/or identifier-plus-resolution-syntax). In effect, I've got both ends of the spectrum covered (UUID at one end, PURL(ish) HTTP proxy at the other), plus one community-standard (for now) mid-point (LSID) -- all effectively representing "SAMEAS" identifiers, or "one" identifier with one or more layers of resolution syntax wrapped around it. Nothing I've read in this thread really shoots this approach down (as far as I understand what I've read) -- and indeed, most of what I read seems to support it. I feel like this approach adequately covers the bases during this transition period. Now...I do have a statement and a coupel of questions related to the HTTP proxy version, after this overly long-winded post. Statement: I will build an HTTP proxy that will work with either the UUID or the LSID (whichever is supplied), and the HTTP proxy will return HTML formatted/styled in a clean, user-friendly template. Among the content of the HTML return will be the metadata (and data, if extant) for the supplied identifier, arranged in a way that is intuitive for an average human reader to view on a computer screen. Also on this returned HTML will be a link to view the medatada in RDF. My rationale for this approach is that the HTTP proxy really exists in order to fix the current problem of inadequate native support for dealing with LSIDs among existing popular software (IE, Firefox, Adobe Acrobat, etc.); and thus its primary function is to convert a UUID or LSID into something that a pair of human eyes and a human brain will find meaningful. It seems to me that the RDF is something that is best consumed by a software client; and such a client (it seems to me) would be written to deal with LSIDs natively anyway, and hence would not need to pass through the HTTP proxy in the first place (it would just use the LSID directly to get the RDF through the proper LSID resolver). My questions are: 1) Are there many software applications that consume and process RDF, but are not LSID-aware (e.g., RSS feeds, etc.) -- that might benefit from an HTTP proxy that returns RDF (instead of HTML)? 2) Is there any way I can get the best of both worlds, by returning both RDF (for a software client) and HTML (for a human client) in the same return from my HTTP proxy? 3) Is there any rationale for greating two "flavors" of HTTP proxy; one that returns HTML (for humans), and one that returns RDF? 4) Am I getting into trouble when I edge towards representing the "pixied" version as a PURL (i.e., as an "identifier" unto itself) -- rather than just a resolution syntax for the "true" identifier (whoch could be either the LSID or the UUID)? Sorry for my blatant naïvete. Aloha, Rich Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email: deepreef@bishopmuseum.org http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/staff/pylerichard.html