Hi, I am currently implementing Tapir metadata responses and have some issues. -indexing preferences frequency in the documentation states @Frequency (starting with uppercase), the schema uses @frequency. I assume I have to implement @frequency. -dc:language is mandatory. What to do with data that is not language specific? Example: we are going to use Tapir for sharing lists of scientific names. Should the language be Latin in that case? We think about using specifying English (eng) as default in that case. The recommendation is to use IANA Language subtags. Probably better to recommend the languages from ethnologue.org (3-letter abbreviations). This because the data can be in much more languages then the IANA Languages, for instance common names in extinct languages. This is different from the xml:lang attribute, which is primarily for application development. -the example for an accesspoint is http://example.net/tapir.cgi I think this may be misleading, it would perhaps be better to use http://example.net/tapir.cgi/yourdatasource as example. Wouter