Hello, I recently added support for schema imports in pywrapper mainly to support multiple namespaces in the repsonse. Me (and Javier) wanted to allow something like this: <wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gcp="http://www.ipgri.org/schemas/gcp_passport_gml/1.0"> <gml:featureMember> <gcp:accession fid="accession.12"> <gcp:GermplasmID>12</gcp:GermplasmID> <gcp:FAOInstituteCode>ES</gcp:FAOInstituteCode> <gcp:FullScientificName>Quercus ilex</gcp:FullScientificName> </gcp:accession> </gml:featureMember> </wfs:FeatureCollection> Here comes my problem: How do we refer to the FullScientificName concept in TAPIR? As a convention for schemas we said to create the fully qualified concept from the namespace and the simple xpath to the element. So somethinkg like this: http://www.opengis.net/wfs#/FeatureCollection/featureMember/accession/FullSc... A real xpath to that element would of course include several namespaces: /wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:featureMember/gcp:accession/gcp:FullScientificName Could it be that we never need to refer to "compound" concepts anyway? A provider would probably map his db to the GCP schema alone. The WFS response is only the responded view/data model and we would still just use gcp#accession/FullScientificName as the qualified concept in filters. This is also true for our simple extension schemas I think (EFG for ABCD, all extensions for DwC). But arent there other cases? Thanks, Markus