Hi All, A new process for managing TDWG subgroups and standards was accepted at the St Louis meeting in October. This new process defines Interest Groups which are persistent entities that spawn Task Groups which are ephemeral. You can read about this in more detail on the Process Wiki. http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/Process/WebHome Previous subgroups now need to propose new charters following a new format if they wish to be constituted as Interest Groups under the new system. I have drafted a charter for the TAG Interest Group and would welcome any comments before submitting this to the Executive Committee. You can fined PDF and Word versions of it on the wiki. http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/WebHome I don't believe there is anything controversial in here but you may think otherwise. Is so please place you comments on NewCharterComments on the wiki or mail me an edited version of the word document - with track changes turned on. The wiki is looking dated and needs a good spring cleaning which I am just embarking on. Please let me know if there is anything that you think should be included. All the best, Roger