
I find the triple store debate interesting because the goal posts seem to shift. No one would claim to design a conventional relational structure (or perhaps generate one from an XML Schema?) that was guaranteed to perform equally quickly for any arbitrary query. All real world relational schemas are optimized for a particular purpose. When people talk about triple stores they expect to be able to ask them anything and get a responsive answer - when that is never expected of relational db.

As an example: Donald would be mad to build the GBIF data portal as a basic triple store because 90% of queries are currently going to be the same i.e. by taxon name and geographical area. Even if there is a triple store out the back some place one is going to want to optimize for the most common queries. If you want to ask something weird you are going to have to wait!

Enabling a client to ask an arbitrary query of a data store with no knowledge of the underlying structure (only the semantics) and guaranteeing response times seems, to me, to be a general problem of any system - whether we are in a triple based world or a XML Schema based one. It also seems to be one we don't need to answer.

I imagine that the people who are looking at optimizing triple stores are looking at using the queries to build 'clever' indexes that amount to separate tables for triple patterns that occur regularly a little like MS SQL Server does with regular indexes. But then this is just me speculating.

We have to accept that data publishers are only going to offer a limited range of queries of their data. Complex queries have to be answered by gathering a subset of data (probably from several publishers) locally or in a grid and then querying that in interesting ways. Triple stores would be great for this local cache as it will be smaller and can sit in memory etc. The way to get data into these local caches is by making sure the publishers supply it in RDF using common vocabularies - even if they don't care a fig about RDF and are just using an XML Schema which has an RDF mapping.

Can we make a separation between the use of RDF/S for transfer, for query and for storage or are these things only in my mind?

Thanks for your input on this,


Steven Perry wrote:

This is interesting stuff.  I don't know what claims Oracle is making 
for it's triple store, but there are many other database-backed triple 
stores out there and I've examined several of them in depth.

With most of the current crop of triple stores (including Jena's which 
we use in DiGIR2), triples are stored in a single de-normalized table 
that has columns for subject, predicate, and object.  This table is 
heavily indexed to allow quick lookups, for example, to find statements 
with a given subject and predicate.  The difficult thing in measuring 
triple store performance is not raw throughput (how fast triples can be 
loaded or listed), but is instead their performance on queries.  With 
many of the triple stores I've examined, raw throughput is limited only 
by how fast the underlying database is at performing SQL inserts and 
selects.  Granted there is some overhead in the RDF framework that sits 
atop the database, but performance for insertions and basic retrievals 
is dominated by the underlying database.

With sophisticated queries the story is quite different.  For a long 
time every triple store had it's own query language.  Now that the world 
is starting to standardize on SPARQL I hope to see a standard set of 
SPARQL-based metrics that will allow query performance comparisons to be 
made across triple store implementations.  SPARQL is very powerful and 
allows a large variety of useful queries.  However much of SPARQL cannot 
be pushed down into SQL queries.  This makes any triple store designed 
to work over a relational database at risk of having to load all triples 
into memory for examination by the RDF framework in order to answer 
sophisticated SPARQL queries.  The simplest example of such a query is 
one that uses the filter(regex()) pattern because most relational 
databases cannot perform XPath's matches regex function.

I hope to have more information about Oracle's performance claims soon 
and I'll share them with the list when I get them.


Bob Morris wrote:
is a rather interesting piece about RDF scalability. They claim to load 
300,000 triples/sec from a triple store based on Allegro Common Lisp.

Allegro CL is also at the heart of Ora Lassila's Wilbur toolkit. OINK, a 
way cool new Wilbur application is described at [Does Wilbur run 
on the free version of Allegro?]. Wilbur loads 2600 triples/sec. Lassila 
is generally regarded with Hendler and Berner's-Lee as one of the 
founders of the Semantic Web.

[Bill Campbell, a colleague of mine and author of UMB-Scheme distributed 
with RedHat Linux, once remarked "XML is just Lisp with pointy 
brackets". The above might support: "RDF is just CLOS with pointy 
brackets". Which, by the way, is positive.]

Does anyone know what triple retrieval claims Oracle is making for its 
triple store support?

There is a good current survey of RDF programming support at


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 Roger Hyam
 Technical Architect
 Taxonomic Databases Working Group
 +44 1578 722782