is a rather interesting piece about RDF scalability. They claim to load 300,000 triples/sec from a triple store based on Allegro Common Lisp. Allegro CL is also at the heart of Ora Lassila's Wilbur toolkit. OINK, a way cool new Wilbur application is described at [Does Wilbur run on the free version of Allegro?]. Wilbur loads 2600 triples/sec. Lassila is generally regarded with Hendler and Berner's-Lee as one of the founders of the Semantic Web. [Bill Campbell, a colleague of mine and author of UMB-Scheme distributed with RedHat Linux, once remarked "XML is just Lisp with pointy brackets". The above might support: "RDF is just CLOS with pointy brackets". Which, by the way, is positive.] Does anyone know what triple retrieval claims Oracle is making for its triple store support? There is a good current survey of RDF programming support at --Bob