We are seeking advice in the context of using semantic mediawiki to document terms, at present as an example the taxpub vocabularly, which ontology to use to document the following: 1. generic part-of relations of concepts. Example: the taxpub nomenclature section is part of the taxpub treatment We consider using DublinCore for this. We found nothing in SKOS for this. 2. part of relations of things both petal and sepal are part of the corolla. Bob Morris recommends the ro ontology: http://obofoundry.org/ro/ However, this one says that it is undergoing strong changes in the near future. 3. When documenting legacy xml ontologies, the xml variant requires documenting a difference between element and attribute children. How to express this in RDF form? ("why would you want do that" -> Bob Morris likes to answer that, but in fact we just want to have an orthogonal form to simplify things). Any help or insight is appreciated. Gregor -- --------------------------------- Dr. G. Hagedorn +49-(0)30-8304 2220 (work) +49-(0)30-831 5785 (private) http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregorhagedorn This communication (including all attachments) is sent on a personal basis. It is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Redistributing or publishing it without permission is a violation of privacy rights and copyright.