Donald Hobern wrote:
*_9. LSID Resolver Namespaces_** (http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LSIDResolverNamespaces) *
This is a starting-point for discussion of best practices in using DNS entries for LSID resolution services.
Donald, I believe that the definition of this task and its name do not match. I think it is a terminology problem. The part of the LSID that is related to DNS is the *authority identification*. The *namespace* isn't related to DNS. here's the LSID syntax to illustrate: urn:lsid:authority_identification:namespace:identifier:revision. So, this group will discuss authority ids or namespaces (or both)? Which should we fix, the page name or the description? I think I have already mixed this up in a previous post to Kevin Richards. Sorry about that. Regards, Ricardo