Begin forwarded message:
Date: December 16, 2011 10:13:55 AM EST
Subject: [biohackathon:372] HCLS IG Note on mapping and publishing life sciences RDF
Dear Colleagues,
With data sharing becoming more widely known and accepted, the need for the means to accomplish data sharing *in practice* is an important technical challenge. The Linked Open Drug Data task force in HCLS has attempted to address this need by developing a DRAFT IG Note regarding practices for mapping and linking life science data using RDF. The document, largely based on a recently submitted article, is being staged as a Google Doc for your review and comment[1].
In the draft document above, we attempt to supply a guide for those who would like to produce and publish data in RDF. We would like you to lend us your extensive expertise and would very much appreciate and carefully consider your candid comments, questions or suggestions to improve the note.
Ideally, someone with basic knowledge of the Semantic Web stack and the desire to 'publish' linked data will be able to get started from this online document. We have removed the use case descriptions to make it more 'W3C note-like' (concise). The use case descriptions will be available in an article (in review) that covers much of the same material (pre-prints available on request).
Kind regards,
M. Scott Marshall
LODD Chair, on behalf of the LODD Editors and Contributors
IG Note (Draft)
[1] P.S. Lee Harland just alerted me to a relevant resource that we will probably cite or otherwise integrate into the above note:
Looks very interesting:
Interactively Mapping Data Sources into the Semantic Web (presented at ISWC)