Fellow TAG Members, As I am sure you are aware the 2006 TDWG meeting is between 15 and 22 October in St Louis, Missouri. http://tdwg2006.tdwg.org/ A number of us will be attending the meeting and participating in various ways. Just about every paper that will be presented will have some relevance to the TAG and so I have not attempted to schedule a specific TAG session although I will be presenting the TAG road map and proposing a method of managing the TDWG Ontology. Jessie will be proposing the TDWG Core ontology. I am sure we will find a great deal to talk about! It might be useful if we could identify a list of points that it would be good to discuss as a group during break out sessions. This list may develop through time depending on what is presented at the meeting. We don't want things on the list that are covered in formal sessions and we can't assume that everyone will be able to attend any break out session but it may be useful to have semi-formal meetings over coffee or beer. What do you think? Would this be useful? Shall I set up a wiki page for Birds-of-a-feather TAG sessions? All the best, Roger -- ------------------------------------- Roger Hyam Technical Architect Taxonomic Databases Working Group ------------------------------------- http://www.tdwg.org roger@tdwg.org +44 1578 722782 -------------------------------------