Dear All, I have started a wiki page for the TAG meeting in Bratislava. It will take place Sunday 16th September 14:00 - 17:00 prior to the main TDWG 2007 meeting. http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/TagMeeting2 Please add any issues you would like discussed to this page. Please do this even if you can not attend the meeting. If you can attend the meeting please add your name to the attendees list so that other people can approach you and ask you to represent their needs. Can I remind you that we should be thinking about the Roadmap document for 2007. Anything you think that should be put forward to the Executive this year regarding the new Architecture (love it or hate it) please enter on this page. http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/RoadMap2007 I hope to work on this page in the next few days. All the best, Roger ____________________________________________________________ Roger Hyam <roger@tdwg.org> ____________________________________________________________ Biodiversity Information Standards: http://www.tdwg.org/ "Working To Make Biodiversity Data Global" ____________________________________________________________ TDWG Standards Architecture: http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG LSID RDF Vocabularies: http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/ LsidVocs ____________________________________________________________