Dear Tagistas,

The 2007 Roadmap document is nearing completion. The vast majority of content is now in place.

Please take a look and feed back either on the page or to me.

This document makes recommendations to the executive and members of TDWG. Do you agree with them? Feedback now - before the document is frozen.

I intend to freeze the wiki page and produce a PDF document for circulation next Monday (27 August). This is a little later than I would have liked but is in plenty of time for Bratislava - which is what is required by the TAG charter.

We are all working towards Bratislava now and I look forward to seeing you there if you will be attending.

Please be aware of the TAG meeting on the Sunday 16th immediately before the main TDWG Meeting. The agenda for this meeting is here:

Please add issues to this agenda that you wish discussed - even if you can't attend.

If you can attend please add your name to the list so we can order enough beer (only joking).

All the best,



   Roger Hyam <>
   Biodiversity Information Standards:
   "Working To Make Biodiversity Data Global"

   TDWG Standards Architecture:
   LSID RDF Vocabularies: