Phil, DiGIR and TAPIR are generic query protocols, so if you don't know all your clients you could probably check the corresponding log directory to see what kind of requests you're receiving. In the case of TapirLink, there's also a web interface where you can find provider query statistics (statistics tracking is enabled by default). Best Regards, -- Renato On 1 May 2008 at 16:19, Phil Cryer wrote:
Thanks Renato, this does help. For now I need to get DiGIR back up so current users can hit it, I think I'm at that point now, but I want to be able to hit it like the users do. What would I do? Just a simple query within the web client window? I assume that does the same thing...still new to this.
As for Tapir, I have it setup and am mapping fields now, will hit the tester soon.