Hi again... As I anticipated in my previous message, now TapirTester has a new test suite for DarwinCore providers that use a specific database: http://tapirtester.dev.tdwg.org/ You can try the new test suite on this provider: http://test.cria.org.br/tapirlink/tapir.php/dwc I forgot to mention in the other message that as part of this work I also started to develop a TAPIR client library in PHP. tapirChirp is still not feature complete, but it covers the most important functionalities of the protocol. You can download the first version here: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=38190&package_id=2567... The development source code of this library is also publicly available in the following subversion repository address: https://digir.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/digir/tapirchirp/trunk Best Wishes and Happy data sharing in 2008, -- Renato