I believe there is too much RDF software out there to make a good gap analysis.  Kevin, I can help you with providing RDF for you LSIDs if you like.

- Ben

Taxonomic Databases Working Group GUID Project <TDWG-GUID@LISTSERV.NHM.KU.EDU> wrote on 04/04/2006 05:16:14 PM:

> Ricardo

> Do you think this analysis should include a gap analysis of RDF
> software as well , or would it be best to keep this separate?

> I think this is probably a more contentious issue - ie some doubts
> about RDF over XML.  I have found setting up an LSID
> resolver/authority reasonably straight forward but trying to
> implement the services using RDF has been a steep learning curve
> (and limited software/tools to help).

> I'll add more later.
> Kevin
> >>> ricardo@TDWG.ORG 5/04/2006 6:49 a.m. >>>

>     Hi all,
>     I wanted to invite you to help with the discussion and outcomes of
> one of the task groups formed during GUID-1 workshop, the
> LSIDSoftwareGapAnalysis.
> (http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LSIDSoftwareGapAnalysis).
>     The goal of this group is to perform a gap analysis of LSID
> software. That is, we want to evaluate what the current situation in
> terms of available LSID software is, what would be an ideal situation
> and how to get from former to the later.
>     In more simple terms, we are interested in performing the following
> tasks:
>     * To describe and evaluate existing LSID software;
>     * To identify missing components, or components that need to be
> rewritten or refactored; and
>     * To devise a plan to implement, rewrite or refactor these components;
>     We then plan on execute that plan above, probably after GUID2Workshop.
>     I believe now is a good time to start this process because many
> other GUID task groups have gained invaluable experience in implemented
> LSID resolvers or are in the process of setting one up. We would like to
> tap into that experience to identify limitations on the current LSID
> software packages and identify new components that need to be developed.
>     If you have set up an LSID resolver or have experience with the
> matter, we would like to know from you:
>     * Besides the existing LSID software, what components did you have
> to develop to make your LSID resolver work?
>     * What tasks were more time consuming in setting up your LSID resolver?
>     * Have you identified any new components that would have helped you
> to set up your LSID resolver? Please describe it.
>     * Have you found any components that were hard or ackward to use?
> What modifications would you propose?
>     * Have you found any problems or bugs in the existing components?
> Please report them.
>     Please, respond either directly to me, to the list, or add your
> comments to the respective wiki page
> (http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LSIDSoftwareGapAnalysis).
>     Also, as part of the gap analysis, I started an inventory of LSID
> software at
> http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=LsidSoftwareInventory.
> Feel free to make chances and additions.
>     Thanks a lot,
> Ricardo

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