Dear all, It's still not Friday 13th here so I think I can safely make and announce the release of TapirLink 0.3. This version contains a number of bugfixes, one of them will require existing instances to regenerate the capabilities configuration file for each resource (otherwise capabilities responses will not validate against the protocol schema). This can easily be done by just saving the local mapping again using the configurator (this process can be automated in future versions). The main new feature is that now TapirLink can be used as an LSID authority, resolving LSIDs metadata through the TAPIR service (many thanks to Kevin Richards for the code!). The default metadata representation provided is an RDF version of DarwinCore, which can also be easily changed through configuration. You can download TapirLink from: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=38190&package_id=2178... Happy data sharing, -- Renato