The Call for Software Bazaar entries is now open for the inaugural conference on Informatics for Phylogenetics, Evolution, and Biodiversity (iEvoBio), at http://ievobio.org/ocs/index.php/ievobio/ 2010. See below for instructions. The Software Bazaar features presenters demonstrating their software live on a laptop. At iEvoBio, this session takes the place of a poster session, and will be between 1.5-2 hours in duration. Conference attendees will be able to walk from one demonstration to the next and open a conversation with the presenters. Please also see our FAQ for this information (http://ievobio.org/faq.html#software). The Software Bazaar is part of the interactive afternoon program on the first conference day. Entries should be software aimed at advancing research in phylogenetics, evolution, and biodiversity, and can include interactive visualizations that have been pre-computed (such as SVGs, or Google Earth-compatible KML files). Submissions consist of a title, which will typically be the name of the software (or visualization method) being presented, the URL of a website where more information about the software can be obtained, and the license under which the source code is available. The provided website must contain a link to where the source code (and possibly binaries) can be downloaded. If it is not obvious from the provided website, the submission must describe what the software does. Reviewers will judge whether a submission is within scope of the conference (see above), and need to be able to verify whether the open- source requirement(*) is met. Presenters are expected to bring their own laptops for presentation, and any auxiliary devices necessary (such as a mouse). Power will be available at the presentation tables (110V/60Hz, US-style plugs; international presenters need to bring a suitable adaptor). Please let the organizing committee know as much in advance as possible if you expect to have unusually high demands for wireless network bandwidth. Note that commercial marketing activities are not permitted - presenters wishing to promote commercial or proprietary services or products should contact the Evolution conference about exhibitor space. Review and acceptance of Software Bazaar submissions will be on a rolling basis. The deadline for submission is the morning of the first day of the conference (June 29). As the number of Software Bazaar presentation slots is finite, we cannot guarantee the availability of slots up until the day of the conference. We cannot accept submissions until the open-source requirements are met. We ask all submitters of Software Bazaar presentations to be willing to also serve as reviewers of such, as described above. Softwar Bazaar demonstrations are only 1 of 5 kinds of contributed content that iEvoBio will feature. The other 4 are: 1) Full talks (closed), 2) Lightning talks, 3) Challenge entries, and 4) Birds-of-a- Feather gatherings. The Calls for Challenge entries (http://ievobio.org/challenge.html ) and Lightning Talks (same submission URL as above) remain open, and information on the Birds-of-a-Feather session is forthcoming. More details about the program and guidelines for contributing content are available at http://ievobio.org. You can also find continuous updates on the conference's Twitter feed at http://twitter.com/iEvoBio. iEvoBio is sponsored by the US National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in partnership with the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB). Additional support has been provided by the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). The iEvoBio 2010 Organizing Committee: Rod Page (University of Glasgow) Cecile Ane (University of Wisconsin at Madison) Rob Guralnick (University of Colorado at Boulder) Hilmar Lapp (NESCent) Cynthia Parr (Encyclopedia of Life) Michael Sanderson (University of Arizona) (*) iEvoBio and its sponsors are dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development (see http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php) and reuse within the research community. For this reason, software to be demonstrated to conference attendees must be licensed with a recognized Open Source License (see http://www.opensource.org/ licenses/), and be available for download, including source code, by a tar/zip file accessed through ftp/http or through a widely used version control system like cvs, Subversion, git, Bazaar, or Mercurial. Authors are advised that non-compliant submissions must be revised to meet the requirement by June 27 at the latest, and in the event that presentation slots run out, precedence is established by the date they are first found in compliance, not the date of submission.