For information, we received this very positive e-mail from Cecilie confirming GBIF support for MIDS and interest in implementation. Elspeth ________________________________ From: Cecilie Svenningsen <csvenningsen@gbif.org<mailto:csvenningsen@gbif.org>> Sent: 05 July 2024 09:27 To: Elspeth Haston <EHaston@rbge.org.uk<mailto:EHaston@rbge.org.uk>> Cc: Tim Robertson <trobertson@gbif.org<mailto:trobertson@gbif.org>>; Marie Grosjean <mgrosjean@gbif.org<mailto:mgrosjean@gbif.org>> Subject: MIDS in GBIF - follow-up after TAG meeting You don't often get email from csvenningsen@gbif.org<mailto:csvenningsen@gbif.org>. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> Dear Elspeth, Thank you for the presentation on the MIDS progress at the TDWG Technical Architecture Group meeting last week. I wanted to follow up with you because you mentioned that GBIF had declared interest in implementing MIDS when ready, but I was not aware of the discussions at the time of the meeting and could not provide any feedback. I have now talked with people in the Secretariat who are more familiar with MIDS (cc in this email) and can confirm that GBIF would be interested in including MIDS to support community requests for the implementation. Specifically, we think it could be of value to implement in GRSciColl at the collection level. But before we can investigate implementing MIDS, we want to see a finalized specification of the calculation rules in place, that will be maintained externally to GBIF, and we hope TDWG can support those efforts. I understand you will have some follow-up discussions with TDWG after the meeting, but can I ask what your impressions are of how the standardization process in TDWG is going for the MIDS task group outputs? Kind regards Cecilie Cecilie Svenningsen (csvenningsen@gbif.org<mailto:csvenningsen@gbif.org>) Data Administrator, PhD GBIF Secretariat DENMARK URL: http://www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/> The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh<https://www.rbge.org.uk/> is a charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983) | Support Us<https://www.rbge.org.uk/support-us> This notice applies to this email and to any other email subsequently sent by anyone at RBGE and appearing in the same chain of email correspondence. References below to "this email" should be read accordingly. This e-mail and its attachments (if any) are confidential, may be protected by copyright and may be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, notify us immediately by reply e-mail, delete it and do not use, disclose or copy it. Unless we expressly say otherwise in this e-mail, this e-mail does not create, form part of, or vary, any contractual or unilateral obligation. No liability is accepted for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan attachments (if any). Where this e-mail is unrelated to the business of RBGE, the opinions expressed within this e-mail are the opinions of the sender and do not necessarily constitute those of RBGE. RBGE emails are filtered and monitored.