Hi all,
From the home page just search and select your GBIF occurrence dataset, the app then runs some calculations by querying the GBIF API a few (~25) times, and then you'll see a couple of charts showing your dataset's record counts against the 4 MIDS levels as
well as a more detailed breakdown of record counts by MIDS element. For example,
here's the NHM London's breakdown.
Any and all feedback welcome, including suggestions for changes (particularly around the mapping where we are somewhat limited, again see the caveats). The primary goal of this tool at the moment is to help people understand and explore their own MIDS scores,
but when GBIF implement MIDS in their systems I fully expect it to become redundant. Additionally, it may be worth exploring a GeoCASe API based version of this too (and it would be pretty trivial to add I expect), though this may have limited usefulness given
the discussion we had in the last meeting about the general lack of availability of datasets that cover all earth science disciplines.
All the best,
Josh Humphries (he/him) | Head of Science Data Platforms | Digital, Data & Informatics | NHM London
Email: j.humphries@nhm.ac.uk