Humboldt Task Group Meeting Wed 2 February 2022, 08:00 EST

Hi all, Tomorrow we will focus on reviewing the last terms so that we can define the list of terms to test the extension: - group review of final 8 terms - identifiedBy - identificationReferences - environmentReported - habitatsScope - excludedHabitatScope - reportedWeather - reportedImpacts - isEffortReported If time allows we should identify key partners (6-10) to test the extension. We need to curate this list of potential implementers (here <> ). In our last meeting we also identified the need to: - Create some *basic Humboldt Extension documentation* (Beta version of a user guide) - Develop a f*eedback form with the main desired outcomes of this testing face*. *We need volunteers for these 2 tasks! So please email me if you are interested of write down your name here <>* Hope to see you tomorrow! Some useful links below: - Zoom link: <> - Meeting notes here <> - Latest version of the HC terms here <>. Cheers, Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers
participants (1)
Yanina Sica