Humboldt Extension update 2023-08-08

Hi folks, I've cc'ed you all as well as sending to the list in case the latter is still misbehaving. I have just pushed a new version of the Humboldt Extension XML file <> to where Matt Blissett has kindly merged it, making it available in the sandbox for installing and mapping in test IPTs. This should enable Yi Ming to proceed with the publishing exercise. Still to be done are to make updated documents such as the Quick Reference Guide, List of terms, landing page, etc. I have started to look into these. The technology for making these was upgraded in Darwin Core processing, and it is not entirely clear the state the code to produce these documents is in. I'll try to figure that out next. Cheers, John

Great to see this is moving fast and well. I am in Portland for the ESA2023 conference, and expectedly, this is the fantastic community, very data-positive and data-aware, people use Darwin Core casually and a norm and I think I managed to warm up this audience for the Humboldt future a bit. If thigs go as planned, and extension is ratified, I am very sure that you will get very nice testers and early users from the ESA community. If GBIF can afford big presence, I would do the pre-conference Humboldt / data model course on Sunday, Special session on Monday and run a large data booth of booths with people present here – EDI, NEON, iDIgBio, Dryad. People are very receptive and thirsty for the fixes to be provided by H. If GBIF can be of help, we agreed with Kate I that this is a priority. John, please remember if you need a hand. FYI the ESA 2024 dates are 4-9 Aug 2024, place Long Beach, California. Thanks in advance, Dmitry From: John Wieczorek <> Sent: Tuesday, 8 August, 2023 14:00 To: Humboldt Core TG <>; Wesley M. Hochachka <>; Kate Ingenloff <>; Yanina Sica <>; Yi Ming Gan <>; Steve Baskauf <>; Tim Robertson <>; Rob Stevenson <>; Anahita Kazem <>; Dmitry Schigel <>; Peter Brenton <>; Zachary Kachian <> Subject: Humboldt Extension update 2023-08-08 Hi folks, I've cc'ed you all as well as sending to the list in case the latter is still misbehaving. I have just pushed a new version of the Humboldt Extension XML file<> to<> where Matt Blissett has kindly merged it, making it available in the sandbox for installing and mapping in test IPTs. This should enable Yi Ming to proceed with the publishing exercise. Still to be done are to make updated documents such as the Quick Reference Guide, List of terms, landing page, etc. I have started to look into these. The technology for making these was upgraded in Darwin Core processing, and it is not entirely clear the state the code to produce these documents is in. I'll try to figure that out next. Cheers, John

Hi all, Sorry, I have been pre-occupied with other priorities and not able to join the last couple of meetings and also today. It is great to see this progressing so well. Best wishes, Peter From: Dmitry Schigel <> Sent: Wednesday, 9 August 2023 7:21 AM To:; Humboldt Core TG <>; Wesley M. Hochachka <>; Kate Ingenloff <>; Yanina Sica <>; Yi Ming Gan <>; Steve Baskauf <>; Tim Robertson <>; Rob Stevenson <>; Anahita Kazem <>; Brenton, Peter (NCMI, Black Mountain) <>; Zachary Kachian <> Subject: RE: Humboldt Extension update 2023-08-08 Great to see this is moving fast and well. I am in Portland for the ESA2023 conference, and expectedly, this is the fantastic community, very data-positive and data-aware, people use Darwin Core casually and a norm and I think I managed to warm up this audience for the Humboldt future a bit. If thigs go as planned, and extension is ratified, I am very sure that you will get very nice testers and early users from the ESA community. If GBIF can afford big presence, I would do the pre-conference Humboldt / data model course on Sunday, Special session on Monday and run a large data booth of booths with people present here – EDI, NEON, iDIgBio, Dryad. People are very receptive and thirsty for the fixes to be provided by H. If GBIF can be of help, we agreed with Kate I that this is a priority. John, please remember if you need a hand. FYI the ESA 2024 dates are 4-9 Aug 2024, place Long Beach, California. Thanks in advance, Dmitry From: John Wieczorek <<>> Sent: Tuesday, 8 August, 2023 14:00 To: Humboldt Core TG <<>>; Wesley M. Hochachka <<>>; Kate Ingenloff <<>>; Yanina Sica <<>>; Yi Ming Gan <<>>; Steve Baskauf <<>>; Tim Robertson <<>>; Rob Stevenson <<>>; Anahita Kazem <<>>; Dmitry Schigel <<>>; Peter Brenton <<>>; Zachary Kachian <<>> Subject: Humboldt Extension update 2023-08-08 Hi folks, I've cc'ed you all as well as sending to the list in case the latter is still misbehaving. I have just pushed a new version of the Humboldt Extension XML file<> to<> where Matt Blissett has kindly merged it, making it available in the sandbox for installing and mapping in test IPTs. This should enable Yi Ming to proceed with the publishing exercise. Still to be done are to make updated documents such as the Quick Reference Guide, List of terms, landing page, etc. I have started to look into these. The technology for making these was upgraded in Darwin Core processing, and it is not entirely clear the state the code to produce these documents is in. I'll try to figure that out next. Cheers, John

This is great Dmitry! Thanks for making sure that que community positively receives this effort! On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 11:20 PM Dmitry Schigel <> wrote:
Great to see this is moving fast and well. I am in Portland for the ESA2023 conference, and expectedly, this is the fantastic community, very data-positive and data-aware, people use Darwin Core casually and a norm and I think I managed to warm up this audience for the Humboldt future a bit. If thigs go as planned, and extension is ratified, I am very sure that you will get very nice testers and early users from the ESA community. If GBIF can afford big presence, I would do the pre-conference Humboldt / data model course on Sunday, Special session on Monday and run a large data booth of booths with people present here – EDI, NEON, iDIgBio, Dryad. People are very receptive and thirsty for the fixes to be provided by H.
If GBIF can be of help, we agreed with Kate I that this is a priority. John, please remember if you need a hand.
FYI the ESA 2024 dates are 4-9 Aug 2024, place Long Beach, California.
Thanks in advance,
*From:* John Wieczorek <> *Sent:* Tuesday, 8 August, 2023 14:00 *To:* Humboldt Core TG <>; Wesley M. Hochachka <>; Kate Ingenloff <>; Yanina Sica <>; Yi Ming Gan <>; Steve Baskauf <>; Tim Robertson <>; Rob Stevenson <>; Anahita Kazem <>; Dmitry Schigel <>; Peter Brenton <>; Zachary Kachian <> *Subject:* Humboldt Extension update 2023-08-08
Hi folks,
I've cc'ed you all as well as sending to the list in case the latter is still misbehaving. I have just pushed a new version of the Humboldt Extension XML file <> to where Matt Blissett has kindly merged it, making it available in the sandbox for installing and mapping in test IPTs. This should enable Yi Ming to proceed with the publishing exercise.
Still to be done are to make updated documents such as the Quick Reference Guide, List of terms, landing page, etc. I have started to look into these. The technology for making these was upgraded in Darwin Core processing, and it is not entirely clear the state the code to produce these documents is in. I'll try to figure that out next.
-- Yani
participants (4)
Brenton, Peter (NCMI, Black Mountain)
Dmitry Schigel
John Wieczorek
Yanina Sica