Humboldt Task Group Meeting Wed 12 January 2021, 08:00 EST

Hi all, Hope everybody is well and healthy! Tomorrow we will try to go through all the work we did regarding the Humboldt extension. The goal is to bring everybody to the same page so it should be particularly useful for new members! We will also try to make some links between the Humboldt extension and eMoF...though we will need some preparation for this so might be left for next time. Last week we got to do some planning, below you can find our tentative next steps and timeline. It is quite ambitious! *HC TG tasks 2022* - General revision of Humboldt terms - group review of final ~10 terms (Jan 19) - revise definitions and examples for all Humboldt terms (PZ, KI, YS) (end Jan) - Identify key partners (6-10) to test the extension (Potential implementers) - *Please complete the requirements that those testers should have and suggest people here <> by next week (Jan 19)* - Reach out to potential implementers (after Jan 19) - Internal IPT testing (John, Tomomi, Peter) (end Jan) - Prep practice workshop for potential implementers - held workshop by mid Feb (?) - Start Humboldt implementation testing (mid Feb) - Start the TDWG ratification process by presenting the extension to the Darwin Core Maintenance Group for their review and later have it undergo the 30-days public review period (May) - Presentation of HC extension (TDWG 2022) See you tomorrow! Some useful links below: - Zoom link: <> - Meeting notes here <> - Latest version of the HC terms here <>. Cheers, Yani Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers

Hi all, Hope everybody is well and healthy! Tomorrow we will : - Review last Humboldt terms - group review of final ~10 terms - Identify key partners (6-10) to test the extension (Potential implementers) - *Please complete the requirements that those testers should have and suggest people here <> * See you tomorrow! Some useful links below: - Zoom link: <> - Meeting notes here <> - Latest version of the HC terms here <>. Cheers, Yani Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers -- Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers
participants (1)
Yanina Sica