Hi Ming, I looked at your Figure slide and it seems fine to me. Nice job. I also looked at section 3.2.3 in the Event Hierarchy document and left suggested edits and a response to your comment on the last paragraph. Cheers, John On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 8:12 AM Yi Ming Gan <ymgan@naturalsciences.be> wrote:
Hi all,
Apology for sending email in the weekend.
1. I have added a *figure to illustrate the implementation principles in 4 Examples (non-normative)* in the Hierarchical Events document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_XMEgB7p7OI7a5Ouq6G9oa7LmQFPcFhZZCLD9gWOIE/edit?usp=sharing>. Figure is slide 21 here <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NWFCYmv_nJNYnhhJ1CPQSh1ZkIpIHUOquWd_isBQ4KI/edit?usp=sharing>. Please modify if necessary. @John, can you please check if I have the examples right?
2. Can someone please *proofread 3.2.3 Principle of inference* again? 1. When I was reading it, I feel like Occurrence is described as child Event, but I am not sure if it is just me. 2. I commented on a paragraph <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_XMEgB7p7OI7a5Ouq6G9oa7LmQFPcFhZZCLD9gWOIE/edit?disco=AAAA3s1bUxQ> which I feel unsure about and would like to suggest to move that part to User Guide instead. Please correct me if I am wrong.
It will be public holiday for me on Monday and Tuesday and I have another meeting at the same time as Humboldt's on Wednesday, so I would not be able to join the Humboldt meeting. Thanks a lot for all the hard work!!
Cheers Ming
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