Yuhu!! This is great Tim! Thank you and John for getting this ready to start testing! And also Paula and Kate who pushed forward the full revision! The testing team is getting ready to start using the IPT...exciting! Just as a heads up, we might also be using next week's meeting time to keep working separately on testing and documentation UNLESS someone would like to discuss something with the complete group. Let me know what you think! Have a great weekend! Yani On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 7:54 AM Paula Zermoglio <pzermoglio@gmail.com> wrote:
Great! Many thanks Tim and John!
Now to see what testers have to say... Good progress everyone :)
El jue., 3 de mar. de 2022 09:16, Tim Robertson <trobertson@gbif.org> escribió:
Many thanks to John W for updating the DwC-A extension for HC.
This has been deployed on https://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/extension/Humboldt_2022-03-02.xml and is now available for users of IPTs configured in TEST mode.
There is an installation on https://ipt.gbif.org/ which is suitable for testing, and if you need an account on that, please let me know. However, anyone is free to install an IPT in test mode, which will allow them to try the extension.
Please remember that any dataset published using an IPT in test mode is indexed into the GBIF test system on https://www.gbif-uat.org (a replica of the live GBIF infrastructure).
*From: *tdwg-humboldt <tdwg-humboldt-bounces@lists.tdwg.org> on behalf of Guralnick,Robert <rguralnick@flmnh.ufl.edu> *Date: *Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 15.12 *To: *Humboldt Core TG <tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org>, tuco@berkeley.edu <tuco@berkeley.edu> *Subject: *Re: [tdwg-humboldt] Humboldt..here we go!
Fine by me, John. Good thoughts all.
*From:* tdwg-humboldt <tdwg-humboldt-bounces@lists.tdwg.org> on behalf of John Wieczorek <tuco@berkeley.edu> *Sent:* Saturday, February 26, 2022 8:05 AM *To:* Humboldt Core TG <tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org> *Subject:* Re: [tdwg-humboldt] Humboldt..here we go!
*[External Email]*
Hi folks,
Great job getting through this major milestone. I will proceed to create the extension definition by making an updated version following the model of the previous version ( http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/extension/Humboldt_2020-12-11.xml <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__rs.gbif.org_sandbox_extension_Humboldt-5F2020-2D12-2D11.xml&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=F_Y_0S2HteiGdskZ-ZsiSbqnC1APkmzkWGlgyuzJ9y_7e03ASzy1I-pUTj4KW-9P&s=KNA7m3cnScAdcawp4MfyHlQu-DTIAc9Jr0BzAMPRz7w&e=>) to avoid any delays.
Even if the name for the product changes, I don't think there is any point in changing the Task Group name. It is an ephemeral entity that began its work with the Humboldt Core (even if it was an extension), An outcome can be a name change without affecting the name of the group. Furthermore, the proposed name may meet with resistance within TDWG anyway, There is a movement to avoid using historical figure names in standards. To avoid having our progress get caught up in any of that, Tim R and I propose to move forward right now without trying to incorporate a name change so as not to impede the great momentum. Since we are still testing it won't really affect the final product name or namespace, but it may be important to make testers aware that the name is not set in stone.
On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM Rob Stevenson <rdstevenson10@gmail.com> wrote:
Hooray on this snowy Friday in Massachusetts!
On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 3:14 PM Yanina Sica <yanina.sica@yale.edu> wrote:
Rob had a great suggestion to make an online poll to get your anonymous opinion regarding the name change so here it goes!
https://linkto.run/p/X7MQTBBI <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__linkto.run_p_X7MQTBBI&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=F_Y_0S2HteiGdskZ-ZsiSbqnC1APkmzkWGlgyuzJ9y_7e03ASzy1I-pUTj4KW-9P&s=EMS-JnGCdwBZ4IykZyMPniq_gMuJCE9sh0Kqvfw1AHs&e=>
All the best,
Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Data Manager | Map of Life
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers
On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 2:50 PM Guralnick,Robert < rguralnick@flmnh.ufl.edu> wrote:
+1 to Humboldt Extension to the Darwin Core. Do we need a formal vote? ------------------------------
*From:* tdwg-humboldt <tdwg-humboldt-bounces@lists.tdwg.org> on behalf of Yanina Sica <yanina.sica@yale.edu> *Sent:* Friday, February 25, 2022 2:39 PM *To:* Humboldt Core TG <tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org> *Subject:* [tdwg-humboldt] Humboldt..here we go!
*[External Email]*
Hi all,
I have some great news. Paula, Kate and myself have finally finished revising the definitions, comments and examples for all Humboldt terms that we (as a group) decided to keep.
*Please take a look at them in our github <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_tdwg_hc_tree_main_vocabulary&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=RkMPnosDRF8bGnvxnpA6roe25_dzvy460diMlkppqxwrMMOG3C9yfY5LBDuQzVau&s=YPDRrJ0rp4-DmWgdYoSMeauK_6MkynLCUsttnnk0Xok&e=> (where we track all changes from the original publication) or here <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_spreadsheets_d_1g2awBg8rxP5vnd7Lg-5FYFwYREADuLhVM-5FpsV3PfDSGA4_edit-23gid-3D0&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=RkMPnosDRF8bGnvxnpA6roe25_dzvy460diMlkppqxwrMMOG3C9yfY5LBDuQzVau&s=0PKO707nQPsmDrUSm_sfadIJfvHFGfKupGSmhfWQJQ0&e=>for a simpler version with all current terms.*
Since subgroups are actively working on testing and documentation, I propose we *skip our general meeting next week.* If you are interested in participating in any of the subgroups please let me know and I'll send the details for the next meetings.
One key item that we still have to agree on is *changing the TDWG Task group name and the associated github from Humboldt Core (HC) to Humboldt Extension to Darwin Core (HE).*
Any thoughts?
Have a great weekend!
Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Data Manager | Map of Life
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers
_______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lists.tdwg.org_mailman_listinfo_tdwg-2Dhumboldt&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=F_Y_0S2HteiGdskZ-ZsiSbqnC1APkmzkWGlgyuzJ9y_7e03ASzy1I-pUTj4KW-9P&s=nmdvKg5wFVCkm_Kjeqq25gt23GQNhQez1VOF1t9zd_g&e=>
_______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lists.tdwg.org_mailman_listinfo_tdwg-2Dhumboldt&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=F_Y_0S2HteiGdskZ-ZsiSbqnC1APkmzkWGlgyuzJ9y_7e03ASzy1I-pUTj4KW-9P&s=nmdvKg5wFVCkm_Kjeqq25gt23GQNhQez1VOF1t9zd_g&e=>
Robert D Stevenson Associate Professor
Department of Biology UMass Boston
_______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lists.tdwg.org_mailman_listinfo_tdwg-2Dhumboldt&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=7BsXTk6y0knj6XRrUec64ttuZSVZRgrqLciVE7rlle4&m=F_Y_0S2HteiGdskZ-ZsiSbqnC1APkmzkWGlgyuzJ9y_7e03ASzy1I-pUTj4KW-9P&s=nmdvKg5wFVCkm_Kjeqq25gt23GQNhQez1VOF1t9zd_g&e=>
_______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt
_______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt