Hi all! Hope everybody is well and healthy. TDWG 2022 is coming quite fast so we might need to focus our energy on getting ready for the conference. Tomorrow, I suggest discussing the following points: * Updates to the TG webpage<https://www.tdwg.org/community/osr/humboldt-core/> * update description * new members * Finish documentation/user guide<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZglRfoQUGpsDm4t2M4B6Qif2IlbPvuBaRBeOi9x1IHk/edit> to share broadly * Summarize the feedback gathered already * Start working on the presentation<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Eu09c_Uf4V-A46aLY7Ed0sv8ijlUbURi88wH_XM8vaE/edit#slide=id.p> See you soon! Yani Yanina V. Sica, PhD Lead Data Team Map of Life<https://mol.org/> | Center for Biodiversity and Global Change<https://bgc.yale.edu/> Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers If you are receiving this email outside of your working hours, I am not expecting you to read or respond.