Hi all, Lets discuss the Hierarchical Document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_XMEgB7p7OI7a5Ouq6G9oa7LmQFPcFhZZCLD9gWOIE/edit> this week! With the TDWG 2023 rush, people might not have had time to review or work on it. If that is the case, we can have a rather short meeting to agree on the next steps. See you! Yani [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/docs/ADP-6oHMdd4mw25hw7lvSXn4ZCiwspb9cc28UTsyFyihNFS6S59uu9rmVwTYgSg5aGvPEZyQo0fqEladdZ4o63Oh0mCa2zF5ZABb59fPXQzqpB8n=w1200-h630-p]<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_XMEgB7p7OI7a5Ouq6G9oa7LmQFPcFhZZCLD9gWOIE/edit> Hierarchical Events in Humboldt Extension for ecological inventories<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_XMEgB7p7OI7a5Ouq6G9oa7LmQFPcFhZZCLD9gWOIE/edit> Properties of hierarchical Events in Humboldt Extension for ecological inventories Title: Properties of hierarchical Events in Humboldt Extension for ecological inventories Date version issued: 2023-xx-xx Date created: 2023-xx-xx Part of TDWG Standard: http://www.tdwg.org/standards/450 This ... docs.google.com Yanina V. Sica, PhD Lead Data Team Map of Life<https://mol.org/> | Center for Biodiversity and Global Change<https://bgc.yale.edu/> Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers If you are receiving this email outside of your working hours, I am not expecting you to read or respond.