Dear all, End of the year is getting closer and many people will start going on holidays. We still have some things to discuss but let's aim to finish them this week. *The goal is to submit all our responses to the GitHub issues and potential new terms or changes by end Nov or beginning Dec. After this, the clock will restart and we will have to wait for another month before ratifying. * In order to be effective over the next week, *I will ask you to share your comments (either in the meeting or over email) about a few points:* - Please review the *Miscellaneous* section from ALA (page 16 here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxJ_H5vBd9pucjdgQDa6qMaQKl4O89gf/edit> ). - Please revise the *new term proposed* (see below) about reporting of scope in a more descriptive way. This term should be used as a last resort and in no way should replace the other scope trms. This term will allow to capture targets that are not included in the more explicits target scopes (e.g. targetTaxonomicScope) at least until new target scopes are proposed, and give more flexibility in the scope reporting, that is why we propose to include it as a verbatim term. This term will not allow completeness or absence inference. - New term: eco:verbatimTargetScope - Definition: ‘The verbatim original description of the dwc:Event scope.’ - Comments: ‘Recommended best practice is first to populate explicit scope terms to the fullest extent possible (e.g. eco:targetTaxonomicScope). It is not recommended to use this term in assessing absence or completeness.’ Scope of last resort! :) - Examples: ‘small mammals’; ‘freshwater macroinvertebrates’; ‘dead animals’ *Peggy*, do you think you can join our next meeting? If not, can you suggest some time slots that work for you? I know it will be hard to coordinate a time that works for everybody and you have already spoken with Peter but it might be nice for some of us to meet with you and discuss your very appreciated feedback. In the meetine, we have collected some thoughts in this document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxJ_H5vBd9pucjdgQDa6qMaQKl4O89gf/edit>. Unfortunately, I will not be able to meet this week. My flight to Argentina got cancelled and now I am travelling tonight and will not be in time for our meeting. All the best! Yani Yani