Hi all, Thanks to everybody who joined! We had a great first meeting to discuss HC terms. Heads-up that we are moving to *weekly meetings of 1.5 hours* (8am-9:30am EST) until we finish the revision process. Next week (Mar 24), we will keep discussing the Vocabulary file <https://github.com/tdwg/hc/blob/main/vocabulary/HC_terms_2021-02-28.csv> (also attached) with "direct mapping to DwC" or "deprecate/indirect mapping" in the column "review_decision" starting from *elevation*. We will aim at reaching consensus for all these terms during the meeting, so if we all give them a look beforehand it would help us speed up the discussions. You can take a look at our meeting notes here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/10cvJl9nuVZIsfKJStA4DsqcNNfrtb8jfc-mUXckruls/edit#> . All the best!! Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers LIST OF TERMS TO BE DISCUSSED NEXT WED: original_HC_label elevation (lower bound) elevation (upper bound) depth (lower bound) depth (upper bound) start year start month start day end year end month end day start time end time protocol name protocol detail protocol citation protocol reference effort amount upper bound effort upper bound unit effort amount lower bound effort lower bound unit