Hi folks, I've cc'ed you all as well as sending to the list in case the latter is still misbehaving. I have just pushed a new version of the Humboldt Extension XML file <https://github.com/gbif/rs.gbif.org/blob/master/sandbox/extension/Humboldt_2023-08-08.xml> to rs.gbif.org where Matt Blissett has kindly merged it, making it available in the sandbox for installing and mapping in test IPTs. This should enable Yi Ming to proceed with the publishing exercise. Still to be done are to make updated documents such as the Quick Reference Guide, List of terms, landing page, etc. I have started to look into these. The technology for making these was upgraded in Darwin Core processing, and it is not entirely clear the state the code to produce these documents is in. I'll try to figure that out next. Cheers, John