On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 8:32 PM Sica, Yanina <yanina.sica@yale.edu> wrote:
Hi all,
- *Humboldt Extension Quick Reference Guide* - Steve and John are working on it - can we agree to use the 6 Humboldt categories as pseudo-classes (not real classes but to organize the terms)?
Steve put the QRG together and I just made some adjustments live at https://tdwg.github.io/hc/terms/. It is built with the two relevant real Darwin Core classes for organization at this point. I understand there has been a decision to arrange under fabricated classes to help people understand the context of the terms better. That may be Ok to help people review the extension, but it is a departure from how Darwin Core and its extensions are structured and maintained, so it may not be able to be maintained going into public review and ratification. As I understand it Steve agreed to hack the site to do this. If that is not the case, please let me know and I can do it. With the push I just made to the first_draft branch, it should be ready to make such changes.