Hi all, 

Just a reminder that we are meeting this Wed (March 17) to begin the process of reviewing each and every of the original HC terms and definitions.

This Wed we'll tackle all terms for which the first review round has resulted in the following decisions: 
  • direct mapping to DwC 
  • deprecate/indirect mapping. 
This is a list of 31 terms that you can find in the Vocabulary file with "direct mapping to DwC" or "deprecate/indirect mapping" in the column "review_decision". Attached you can find the Vocabulary file to filter or you can download it from Github (see PRO TIP below).

To help with the reviewing process, Paula will give a quick overview of the terms and any associated issues. We will aim at reaching consensus for all these terms during the meeting, so if we all give them a look beforehand it would help us speed up the discussions.

Quick reminder that daylight saving in the US started this weekend on March 14th (In Europe it starts in two weeks on March 29th) so it might impact on our meeting hours. Hope our usual 8am EST still works for everybody.

Hope you are all well!

See you on Wednesday,

To get the csv file from GitHub, press "Ctrl" key + "Raw" and it will download the file directly (in Mac, "Option" key + "Raw").

dataset name
dataset identifier
dataset license
dataset rights holder
dataset modified
citation reference
citation identifier
citation URL
geospatial scope
latitude range
longitude range
elevation (lower bound)
elevation (upper bound)
depth (lower bound)
depth (upper bound)
start year
start month
start day
end year
end month
end day
start time
end time
protocol name
protocol detail
protocol citation
protocol reference
effort amount upper bound
effort upper bound unit
effort amount lower bound
effort lower bound unit

Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Data Manager | Map of Life
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers