Just so everyone is aware, Peter and I are working through the mapping of the ACT Waterwatch data from the Occurrences upward through the associated events and thence into the Humboldt Core metadata. Given our experience with collections publishing Occurrence data sets, my initial perception is that it is not going to be a trivial exercise for inventory datasets to be constructed. It is at a whole different level given the hierarchical Events.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 3:28 PM Yanina Sica <yanina.sica@yale.edu> wrote:
Hi all!

I am just writing to make sure that we all know what our next steps and meeting schedule are. We decided to tackle the tasks in different subgroups. Below you can find them, I just included some names as references. Please correct me if I am wrong!
Please contact each other if you are interested in a particular task. If possible send your meeting times to the whole group so we can all keep track and get involved.

  • HC Terms and definitions discussion (see progress here
    • Yanina Sica
    • Paula Zermoglio
    • Kate Ingenloff   
      • Next meeting: Friday 15, 1 pm EST
  • Survey Methods Definition and controlled vocabulary generation (see progress here)   
    • Steve Baskaufs  
    • Peter Brenton  
    • Paula Zermoglio
    • John Wieczorek  
      • Next meeting (if any): complete
  • Testing datasets in GBIF IPT?
    • Tim Robertson  
    • John Wieczorek  
    • Peter Brenton  
    • Erlend B. Nilsen  
    • Robert D Stevenson  
      • Next meeting (if any): complete
Meeting schedule:
  • Wednesday January 20 2021 →   large meeting!
GBIF IPT walk through:
  • Submit your availability here if you are interested. Unfortunately, we are having some issues to find a time that suits all so we might have to offer a second walk-thought. 

Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Data Manager | Map of Life
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers

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