Sorry about the listserve errors, duplicate emails, and event cancellations..the universe conspired against us today. Despite this, we managed to meet today and had a very good and productive meeting.
We have resolved our latest doubts regarding the principles in the hierarchical doc and summarized our next steps:
- John will finish some small edits to the list of terms and update the IPT
- Ming will map again the BROKE-West campaign with the latest eco: terms and guiding principles
- John and Ming will populate some good examples in the hierarchical document
- Dmitry will try to track GBIF's attention (and funding?) to push the Humboldt User Guide to the next level and transform it into a nice format that allows easy updates.
I cleaned and edited some of the previous documents and organized the Drive.
Next week, we will take a look at the examples from Ming and John and, if we all agree, we could formally submit the extension! We are getting there!
Thank you all for your last efforts!
All the best!
PS: You should have received a calendar invite for next week. In case you did not, please let me know. You can also find the info below:
When to meet
Wednesdays 8 am EST (see your time here)
Where to meet