Hi all,

Hope everybody is well!
Let's meet tomorrow and discuss our next steps, one more final effort!

  • Start testing period!
    • Check this table and let me know if you are keen on starting the conversations with external testers and being the liaison between our TG are the external institution
  • Humboldt Extension Quick Reference Guide
    • any updates on this? 
  • Documentation
    • Final decisions on Mapping data - A multi-layered approach needs some wrangling
    • Final decisions on examples (We are still hoping to include the Field Museum example, hopefully we can schedule a meeting with the data provider very soon).
See you tomorrow (or later for some!)



Zoom link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97318391101
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZglRfoQUGpsDm4t2M4B6Qif2IlbPvuBaRBeOi9x1IHk/edit#heading=h.c5n6v0x212uj
External testers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ai9WPFzg2m-SjVHSWDPMde3Jx_hvUxz2rCieSGmxjH4/edit#gid=0

Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Lead Data Team
Map of Life Center for Biodiversity and Global Change
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers