Hi all, Hope you are fine! I have amazing news, Tomoni Suwa from the Field Museum and Yi-Ming Gan from OBIS are joining our Humbodlt discussions!! Welcome!! *For this Wed (Dec 1), Yi-Ming Gan will be sharing her insights on OBIS data and metadata structure. It will be great to discuss how it links (or if at all) to Humboldt Extension. * If we have time, we can also discuss some of the terms that still need revision or have github issues <https://github.com/tdwg/hc/issues>: - identifiedBy - identificationReferences - geospatialScopeAreaInSquareKilometers - totalAreaSampledInSquareKilometers - environmentReported - habitatsScope - excludedHabitatScope - reportedWeather - reportedImpacts - isEffortReported They are highlighted in yellow in our usual slides <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cpOXOtZi71WUYSG2UG8zQ4FAmvd6gcKW83x0tA6WKis/edit#slide=id.gd3cb7c8759_0_192> (slide 199 onwards): Next week (Dec 8), we will hear from Diana Bowler about some interesting research she has done regarding metadata needs for modelling inventory data. Some useful links below: - Zoom link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97318391101 <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://yale.zoom.us/j/97318391101&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw131_ZV9o-84ivZDjGbSTBJ> - Meeting notes here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/10cvJl9nuVZIsfKJStA4DsqcNNfrtb8jfc-mUXckruls/edit#heading=h.va42b6h625jr> Thank you!! Yani Yanina V. Sica, PhD Data Manager | Map of Life Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers